Our events.

What is All The Hype About Web3 and Blockchain?
Project consultant and historian, Beatrice Holst, will introduce us to the concepts of Web3 & Blockchain, as well as its use cases and future opportunities.⚡
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If you have any questions or comments about the event, please contact Juliana Beltrán at juliana@emmstech.org.

No-BS Talk: WOC in Entrepreneurship with Maria Villanueva
Samira Gomes (EMMSTech CEO and Founder) will be interviewing Maria Villanueva (Founder and CEO of BeautyQlick). They’ll be discussing the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, what to think about when starting a new business, and what entrepreneurship looks like for Women of Colour in Tech!
Follow us on Instagram to listen in.

No-BS Talks: WOC in Entrepreneurship with Mai Phan
Samira Gomes (EMMSTech CEO and Founder) will be interviewing Mai Phan (Founder and CEO of propL). They’ll be discussing the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, what to think about when starting a new business, and what entrepreneurship looks like for Women of Colour in Tech!
Follow us on Instagram to listen in.

No-BS Talk: WOC in Entrepreneurship with Anali Guzman
Samira Gomes (EMMSTech CEO and Founder) will be interviewing Anali Guzman (Co-Founder and CEO of EmiGreat). They’ll be discussing the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, what to think about when starting a new business, and what entrepreneurship looks like for Women of Colour in Tech!
Follow us on Instagram to listen in.

Lunch & Learn: What the Heck is FinTech?
What the Heck is FinTech? That's a question we all ask ourselves!
Join us for a session with Somit Fessehazion, Co-Founder of Rely to discuss what FinTech is, how to get into the industry, and what the future holds.
Watch the rerun on Instagram.

Ways To Fight Biases with We Listen In
The term bias is used to describe a systematic distortion in a process of judging someone/something, and as a rule this distortion negatively effects certain groups.
According to research bias contributes to women not being offered the same opportunity as men. Almost three out of four women have experienced bias against them in the work life, and the ones that have experienced bias is more likely to leave their job.
Women of color, HBTQ+-women and women with disabilities encounters even more bias. And yet, only one out of three employees, including managers, challenges bias when they encounter it. Knowing that bias exists doesn't solve the problem, learn how YOU can fight bias.

EMMSTech Talks
In collaboration with Space Stockholm.
A panel with Faduma Aden (Spotify), Binette Seck (IT Women of the Year), and Carmen Beltrán (EMMSTech), WoC who share their journey working in the tech industry.

EMMSBrunch and Learn with Elisabeth Changa - Studying UX Design
Elisabeth delivered a presentation on how she got into UX Design and what UX means to her.

EMMSBrunch and Learn with Hanifa Nalubwo - Design your Career Path
Hanifa Nalubwo delivers a powerful presentation on how to navigate your career as a woman of colour and how to design a career that you'll enjoy.

EMMSBrunch and Learn with Ilana Almaleh - DevOps Engineering
Ilana Almaleh spoke about her journey to becoming a DevOps Engineer and what a DevOps Engineer actually does.

Integrity in a Digital Age
Sponsored by Brandon Sekitto, we were able to deliver an insightful talk on data and privacy by Sophia Rehioui.

Meet Up with Kista Bibliotek
Together with Kista Bibliotek we hosted a meet up, with inspiring stories about how to start learning coding and programming!

Coding with Vue Vixens
We hosted our second workshop together with Vue Vixens to deliver a range of intro courses in coding. Participants were able to jump between classes and learn Vue.js with Geisy Domiciano, HTML and CSS with Samira Gomes, and Python with Eleonore Mayola

Community Meet Up
After hosting our first event at Goto10, we were invited back by Internetstiftelsen to hold an event for their Diversity Week. We decided to arrange a meet up where WOC from different paths could come together and share their stories and connect with each other.
Our panel included Christine Osazuwa, Qian Lu, Antinéa Mboyo, Farhia Muse and Geisy Domiciano.

Intro to Programming & Coding
3D Printing with Leslie, HTML and CSS with Samira Gomes, Python with Eleonore Mayola, and Game Development with Mariana Bocoi